Events Rules

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Listen to Staff Directions and/or Requests!

The staff that man all our events are part of our club’s team who enjoy being around trucks and perform these duties to maintain a safe environment. Never lose your head or give them a hard time for simply doing their thankless job. Keep in mind you are probably holding up another person from parking as well. If you think you’re in the wrong spot or have an issue with one of our club members, ask for a leaders help politely! Laying into the guys or girls directing traffic probably won’t end up in your favor. You’ll most likely eventually meet the show director or one of our managers – but instead of him or her lending a hand, they’ll probably be asking you to leave.

Do Not Take Up 2 Parking Spaces!

Everyone knows that their truck is a special little snowflake. We’ve all dumped endless amounts of what we each consider a lot of money into it, wasted many a night lying awake thinking up next steps, and scoured junkyards and swap meets from around the country looking for that special part that defines our rides as the special snowflake – to us. Just like everyone else. At every show, you’ll see “That Guy” – sometimes taking up more than one parking spot. You may think your ride is better than his or hers, but that doesn’t mean you deserve extra room as well! Suck it up and park your snowflake straight like the rest of us. We are going to have cones marking each parking space.

Do Not Drive over 5 MPH inside the Show area! EVER!!

Just like I said in one of the above “Unwritten Rules” navigating in and around a Truck Show event and/or venue certainly isn’t an easy process. Not to mention it’s dangerous, particularly with children or pets running about unpredictably. Getting into or out of the Show and/or Venue quickly while may seem like you are doing everyone a favor put more risk not only to those other folks attending but more importantly, it puts your own snowflake at risk as well. Be respectful of not only those attending but to your own ride and keep it slow. There is NO WARNINGS you will be asked to leave immediately and escorted out by POLICE.

Do Not Kill, Maim, and/or scream profanities at those who touch your truck!

Yes, it’s true that we are all in agreement that spectators should keep their grubby little hands to themselves, yes? But – what happens when they don’t? Yup, it Happens. I’ve seen it all from leaning up against the truck to just rubbing at that one spot and I’m here to tell you that killing them with kindness goes so very much farther than blind rage and a verbal berating. We must remember that not every spectator who attends your average truck show understand how seriously we take our vehicles. Politely explaining how much your truck means to you is usually all it takes for them to get the picture. This holds especially true for children; teach them, don’t punish them. And this is Really Important: Because helping to raise a new generation of enthusiasts that don’t purchase Camrys – or think that people who take trucks seriously are jerks – is essential to continuing our culture!

Respect Others and their Rides!

Everyone has different tastes. Everyone has different budgets. Just because the truck next to you doesn’t have perfect paint, or is a newer truck, or features some discount brand parts, doesn’t make it any less deserving of its owner’s pride. Don’t like his or her style? Keep it to yourself – because there are probably plenty of people who don’t like yours either. And here’s the important thing to remember: Do you care what they think? We’re guessing not. This is especially true when it comes to folks to the scene. Offering real advice or help instead of putting others downs helps make for a better community. Not everyone has the means or experience to create a 100-point show-winner. However, their story might be far more interesting than that of the guy with unlimited funds who just dropped a bare chassis off at the local restoration expert and told them to make it perfect. Either way, BOTH deserve all our respect

If the Event is Judged Respect and Abide by the Judges Decisions!

The competition at some shows can and often is very fierce as any professional sport out there. Everyone wants to win – and that drive is what makes for some of the most stunning vehicles at any show. With that said, no one is being paid millions to perform. Whether you’re the attendee or the judge. Feel like you were overlooked or misjudged? Don’t cause a scene during the awards ceremony, leave that to Kanye West on the Music Awards Show In other words: Don’t be “That Guy.” There will always be another show – most likely less than a few weeks later. If you didn’t take home a top prize, seek out one of the judges after the event, and ask what you could do to improve. Don’t lose your cool if you don’t like their suggestions though; except for certain Concourse-level shows which apply strict point systems, most of this stuff is subjective. The judges at the next one might love what you’ve got, and chances are that Judge may just Judge your truck with a better eye because of your inquiry.

Do Not Burn Out or Drag Race In the parking lot or when leaving the event!

Sure, we all love a good burnout. It delights every sense; the sound of a roaring engine, the acrid smell of rubber, the exciting sight of a barely-restrained 2-ton missile… And thus, therein lies the problem. The only thing keeping your truck from rocketing into a classic Bel-Air – or worse, a spectator – are your front brakes. Please keep the showing-off contained in a controlled environment, with nothing but open space in front of you. Those 20 seconds of being an “Attention Whore” aren’t worth the lifetime label of “Certified Jackass” should something go wrong. This also goes for Drag Racing! Because Remember: the increased traffic that a truck show brings is noted by local police. That guy in the loud Hemi SRT might be asking for it. True, but racing on the surrounding streets before, during, or after an event brings all the wrong kinds of attention down on you and the rest of us fellow enthusiasts. (Not to mention the show organizers!) It’s a quick way to get what should be a celebration of our passion nixed, and yourself a big, fat ticket.
If you want to race, decide the location and time on your own – or visit almost any other track across the U.S. – sets aside specific nights for street-driven vehicles to come show each other up. Don’t turn yourself into a statistic or be “That Guy” and ruin it for all the rest of us. This could result in your club not being invited to any other events.

Engage and Answer questions by both young and old attendees!

If you brought your truck out of the garage to show it off. And – you don’t want anyone asking you about it? Well – you really should have just stayed at home with your door locked and all the windows bolted up. With that attitude, you must be a blast to have at a cocktail party. People who are interested in your truck will want to speak to you about it. They will ask you all manner of questions and have all manner of personal experiences. Even if you think the inquiry is dumb, have some patience. In today’s “Social media fueled hide behind a keyboard day and age, it takes at least some amount of courage to strike up a conversation with a stranger. You’ll come off the much bigger person than the gruff, standoffish ogre acting like even rolling out of bed that morning was barely worth his time. Don’t want to talk about your truck? Then don’t show up. Tell your story about how you found that one part, share how much your truck means to you and as I said before: this holds especially true for children; teach them, share with them. Engage with them and if they are especially curious and polite? Let them sit in your truck or show them why you love the little unique aspects of your truck.
And I’ll say it again: This is Really Important: Because you are helping to raise a new generation of enthusiasts. Maybe someday that future enthusiast will talk about the good version of “That Guy.” He or She may tell his children someday at another show 20 years later about “That Guy” who shared and enriched their love of the Automobile.